'Adem in Adem uit: Reis in de aarde', 2019 (published under management of the author)
Author: Anne-Marie Van Herck
A meditation story, a gentle adventure to let kids come home in their body.
To learn to root and connect, to be present and to introduce energetic work by young children.
The guides 'Ti' (head), 'Mo' (heart) en 'Thé' (belly) are helping the children.
For the Art festival 'Watou 2019' me and Anne-Marie had the honor to create the children site there around this theme ('Adem in Adem uit' (breath in breath out) and the 3 guides).
We also
experienced​​​​​​​ workshops during the festival.

The books are sold out but you can find them in some libraries.
You can listen free to this guided meditation story with relaxing music or choose only the music and read yourself. Also a lot of information about this project you can find out: 
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